Without going into details Miguel said that there will be Multi OS support for 2019 Snapdragon. This is the one based on 7nm chip coming at some point in 2019. Some people over the internet were calling it 8180, but time will tell.
Google is betting on Core based Pixel book and without getting clear confirmation the multi OS strategy will include Windows 10 and Chrome. There is a demand for Chrome and an always connected Chrome sounds like a great idea, to people who see the value proposition in Chrome OS. It seems that US education customers like Chrome OS.
Another new thing that is expected in 2019 from Qualcomm’s Always connected Snapdragon PC are multiple device price points. It won’t be a "one fits all" solution, there will be more partners than the existing HP, Lenovo, Asus and Samsung. The plan is to have different pricing as well as multi tier performance.
Bear in mind that Intel has Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7 ultra-thin, 2in1, detachable ultra-light devices so that's definitely a multi tier performance strategy.