Currently the Snapdragon 850 that just became available with Samsung Galaxy Book 2 launched yesterday and Lenovo Yoga C630 machines are powered by Kryo cores based on Cortex A75. Based on SpecIntl 2K6 ARM/Snapdragon is expecting to catch up with Core i5 7300 performance in this single thread benchmark with the next generation, and probably exceed it. We do know that Intel has had the Core i5 8200 series out since January and recently announced Whiskey Lake.
The next Snapdragon to launch is expected to be based on Cortex A76 7nm cores and slightly exceed performance of Core i5 7300. Intel definitely has faster processors than that but the fact that Qualcomm and ARM can get to compete in the upper mainstream of the market sounds impressive.
ARM said that it is expected that Deimos the 2nd generation 7nm Core expected to launch in 2019 will be significantly faster compared to the first-generation Cortex A76 core and even showed the projected performance of Hercules 5nm core expected in 2020.
ARM said that the performance between Cortex A73 (Snapdragon 835) and Hercules 5nm core shows an increase of 2.5 times. This is a huge leap, considering that the Cortex A73 core launched in 2106 and massively available in 2017 was enough to give a decent Windows 10 always connected experience with always on.
ARM will get more competitive and put some pressure on Intel going forward but bear in mind that Intel plans to do volume production of the new architecture in 10nm schedule for volume in holiday 2019.
The value proposition of multiday battery life, always connected feature with integrated modem and always on is something that will arrive first for ARM/Snapdragon customers.