Intel releases its post Meltdown and Spectre performance figures
Impact a little worse than claimed
Chipzilla has come out with some performance impact data on its post patch 6th, 7th and 8th Generation Intel Core processor platforms using Windows 10 and its figures are not exactly good for older PCs.

Intel CEO talks about Spectres, meltdowns, drones and cars
CES 2018 keynote
Intel CEO Brian Krzanich is not avoiding talking about the Spectre and Meltdown bugs. At his opening keynote at CES 2018 Krzanich tackled the issue from the start.

Intel rushes out "Spectre" and "Meltdown" updates
Should have most things patched by next week
Intel has developed and is rapidly issuing updates for all types of Intel-based computer systems - including personal computers and servers - that render those systems immune to the"Spectre" and "Meltdown" threats.

HP releases Kaby Lake notebooks
Spectre 360 is better than a MacBook Pro
The maker of rather expensive printer ink, HP has just released its latest Kaby Lake laptop.

Austrian actor pushes South Korean products in USA
Dancing with the devils
Samsung is spending millions of dollars pushing its upcoming Galaxy Note 7 tablet in the USA and thinks that hiring Austrian film star Christopher Waltz to mock how busy citizens already are will help persuade Americans to favour a Korean product over Apple offerings.