At a symposium called Canonical Computations in Brains and Machines hosted in New York, neuroscientists and AI experts discussed how human and machines overlap.
Neuroscientist, Zachary Mainen warned that computers could be expected to face ‘mental’ problems just like humans. However, this is only possible when machines level up with humans on the intellectual bar.
Mainen works in the field of computational psychiatry where he observes patients experiencing hallucinations and depression, and studies them using AI algorithms such as reinforcement learning.
Extending this thought to AI, he says that the arrow can be reversed and that AI computers could be subjected to the same problems that the patients go through.
Introducing a hormone-like coding in AI machines can add common sense and the ability to think like humans. If they did this a certain level of emotional cognition would be the by-product of such a robotic hormone system in machines.
Scientists also say that of all the emotions that humans experience, machines are expected to face depression slightly more as compared to the other emotions.
Depression in machines isn't purely emotional it will be more about the inability to perform certain tasks. If this were the case it would explain why a laptop belonging to a certain person in this household has performance issues – it has become depressed by all the abuse.